Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Where is the love?

I was going to do a recap of the two final episodes, but I have read so many that I am just not up to the challenge of trying to write it differently. (I'm sure my thoughts will come through anyway). While lurking all over the fandom I have been  totally amazed at the harsh comments that I have been reading. This is the first time I have immersed myself in fandom during a season finale. Maybe this is the norm during hellatus but my poor innocence can't comprehend. So for this post I am going to try to be as unbiased as possible while voicing my opinions on some of these comments. 

Sera Gamble ruined the Supernatural finale/Castiel character!Bring back Kripke!#InKripkeWeTrust!
I wish people would do their homework instead of assuming Sera can be blamed for everything they don't like. Yes Sera wrote 'Let it bleed' but it was Kripke who wrote 'The man who knew too much'. So Castiel's character development from Angel to God is all his; and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it also involved Misha. I have it on good authority (me.I was there) that Misha, when questioned at the AHBL Oz Con about character development, that he would like to see Cas go darkside. That's not a direct quote, I haven't watched my dvd in ages, but that was the gist of it. Which leads to...

If Misha is not regular for Season 7, I am not watching! (I'm sure there is foot stomping going on)
Ladies you sound like my seven year old daughter. Get a grip! So it was confirmed he isn't a regular. But that means nothing. Jim Beaver has never been a regular and he was in more episodes this year than Misha. It makes sense to cut Misha from regular status budget wise. Misha will be returning for season 7 and I doubt they will kill him off in S7E1 as people are saying. Cas as God is a great development and I for one can't wait to see where they go with it  I am sure gonna miss my innocent angel but the bad ass new lord is god damn sexy!

Padalecki is a bad actor. His stupid faces put me off. They need to write him out! 
I can't be reasonable here. I read this today and my first thought was "Whoa b*tch! Back the f*ck up!". I don't know what the f*ck you are watching if you think Jared can't act. If you can't shed a tear when Sam cries, you are a heartless bitch. You will now be known as 'Soulless Fan'. If you can't love both J's, or keep the hate to yourself, just don't watch! Simple as that.

I hope they don't show Sam dealing with his time in hell in S7. It can't be as bad as Deans.
Here I am conflicted. Dean spent months in hell compared to Sam's what? A day? A few days? I want to see how Sam deals with it because it would be unrealistic to sweep it under the carpet. But I agreed with the "it can't be as bad as Dean's experience", for the simple reason stated above. Then I thought about it. Dean was not locked in the cage with a seriously pissed off Lucifer and Michael who had just had their plans thawted by   Team Free Will and only poor Sammy to take it out on. Face it, like all family, the brothers would have united against the common enemy. The fact that they were brothers at war 5 minutes beforehand be damned.

Castiel doesn't deserve forgiveness!
I am reading that Sam and Dean did what they did because they: 
a. Did it for the greater good. (Sam)
b. Had their back against the wall. (Dean)
Don't both these apply to Cas too? He did it to protect the boys. He went to Dean to ask for help and changed his mind because Dean had been through enough already. Sure it wasn't the greatest plan. But it was one that looked like it would work. I also can't help but put a little of the blame on Dean either. When it all came out, Dean should have listened to him. I'm sure if that would have happened, together, a better plan of attack would of been planned. On top of that he should get automatic forgiveness for not smiting Sam when he plunged that Angel knife in him!

Now for my own questions that are bothering me.
Is Balthazar really dead?
I sincerely hope not. I love Balthy and Sebastian Roche. It was pointed out that we never saw Balthazar's wings and I am hoping that a certain someone brings him back.

Is Cas really God?
I know Cas considers himself a better God, but I can't help but think that God should be all forgiving. Not a bow down to me now or I will turn you into soup Lord. I sure hope the other God re-enters the building and sorts his recalcitrant son out. As punishment he is to be locked in a room with the boys until they sort out their shit and hug it out!

This is going to be a loong four months.

1 comment:

  1. I have been wanting to comment on this for weeks, but was having trouble posting. I agree with you, Paula. As far as Cas as a "better" god goes, though...I think he will come to understand that he is NOT a god of any kind, just an angel filled with troubled purgatorial souls. The end doesn't justify the means. But I also think Cas will be contrite. The Cas we love also love his "Father," the true Creator God; he was the last of the angels to seek God. He's all about Free Will. I think that something will happen to remind him that he can choose Right over Might, so to speak. His love for the boys...his respect for Dean and for family...something will change him, remind him of who he truly is, and redeem him.

    At least, that's what I hope for; that's what I think will happen.

    My favorite outcome: Cas is redeemed; balance is restored in heaven; Lisa and Ben somehow remember Dean, and we end up with a badass Hunting Team made up of Sam, Cas, Bobby, Dean, Lisa and Ben.

    But I dream...
